Looking Back

As I look back on this class, I realize that I have learned a lot from the group of ladies that I have worked with.  While we are all from different parts of the country and have different backgrounds, we are all striving for the same things.  We all want to be able to make a difference in the Early Childhood field.  While I look forward to taking the time off of school waiting until the next class starts, I will return to this blog and be able to put more opinions in here as well as insights that I have learned as I go a long in the program.  

*On the lighter side of things, I am glad for online classes because when you get a cold you can’t really share the germs with your classmates.*

Ethics R Me

Out of the DEC code of ethics :

Responsive Family Centered Practices:

“We shall empower families with information and resources so that they are informed consumers of services for their children,”

—As a professional, I want to be able to answer questions that families may have.  I know that I don’t have all of the answers to the questions that they may have and I will have to do research in order to find out.  I would give them the resources that I know and if there is a question that I don’t have an answer to, I would tell them that I will look into it and will give them the information that I find so that they will have the resources they need in order to proceed forward.

Enhancement of Children’s and Families’ Quality of Lives:

“We shall demonstrate our respect and concern for children, families, colleagues, and others with whom we work, honoring their beliefs, values, customs, languages, and culture.”

—In the professional world, people work with others that may not have the same beliefs, values, customs, languages, and culture that we do.  When working together, we have to honor and respect others that we work with and not think that we are better than they are. Along with honor comes respect, and it is by honoring these differences, we can actually learn from each other.

Out of the NAEYC code of ethical conduct:

 Ethical Responsibilities to Children:

Ideal I-1.5

“To create and maintain safe and healthy settings that foster children’s social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development and that respect their dignity and their contributions.”

—Parents want their children to be in an environment that is safe.  As a professional, it would be my duty to make the setting as safe as possible so that the children can thrive and be able to develop in ways that they will be able to grow up and function when they become adults so as to be a contributing member of society.  I would also teach them to be healthy besides providing for their safety.

Ethical Responsibilities to Families:

Ideal I-2.2

“To develop relationships of mutual trust and create partnerships with the families we serve.”

—The most important thing that there can be in a partnership is mutual trust.  As a professional, I would involve the families of the children that I work with and give them an opportunity to participate in their children’s education.  I would also have regular communication with the families that way they know what their children are learning.  By the use of regular communication and active involvement, a relationship can be created; that way, if there is a problem that needs to be addressed, I would have the support of the families as well as their trust that way all of us know what would be expected from both sides.

These four ideals are ones that mean the most to me.  These are the ones that stood out the most to me and made me look at them and say “this is what I want to strive for.  This makes complete sense to me.”