My Supports

As I have been thinking about supports I have to say that the supports that I really have would be friends of mine.  There have been many times that I have had to make a phone call in order to get in touch with a friend.  My friend Melody is one of those phone calls.  She lives in Texas but no matter what I am dealing with, she is willing to let me vent and cry.  She may not be there for me physically to give me a hug when I need it most, but I know that she is great for support.  Another support that I have is a wonderful church family.  A pastor of mine was there for me when I was depressed and would just let me talk and he would pray for me.  I am truly blessed to have a church family that can see if something is slightly off and give me a hug and have prayer with me.  To me having spiritual supports is just as good as having the physical supports.

Other supports that I have that are near by would be my husband.  He has been my support system since we started dating.  If I didn’t have these supports in place I would probably be a very different person than I am now.  The benefits that I see from these supports is that the supports in my life keep me on an even keel.  If these supports were taken away from me I would probably have committed suicide or been in a really deep depression.  I am so grateful that these supports that I have, have kept me strong.  

The challenge that I have imagined for myself is that of losing my husband.  This seems really macabre but this is a challenge that would really scare me.  I would definitely need all of the supports that I have in place already, in order to get through this challenge along with going to counseling and classes for people dealing with losing a spouse.  I would have to physically take care of my self by working and attending these kinds of classes.  Emotionally I would want my family around me as well as my friends.  Practically, I would need to ask for help with getting some things done because I would not have the motivation.  This would be the biggest challenge that I feel like I could imagine for myself especially if I was either pregnant or had children and would have to be a single parent.  Being a single parent would add a degree of difficulty with this challenge but right now, thankfully we don’t have children right now.  This is a challenge that I would have to deal with but right now I am just glad that he is alive and well and is part of my support system now.