Using Social Media to Get Connected

My past and present experience with using social media is that of having had a MySpace page, which I don’t think is active anymore. I currently have a Facebook page, Twitter, I have a YouTube channel. With using Facebook, if I happen to be on my cell phone and I see an article that I find particularly interesting, I will post it to my personal Facebook page and then when I get onto the computer I will post it to the WUECO group that I am a member of so that I can share it with other people. I have not really posted anything to my Twitter account or posted any videos other than what I have filmed to my YouTube channel. I also use Google+ as well.

As far as what social sites lend themselves well to effective advocacy is Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. While all of these social sites can work really well, it doesn’t work if you really do not have that big of a following. The same holds true for having a personal blog. In order to make sure that you have more people that can actually access a blog, it is important to post the blog link to any other social media accounts. However having different accounts can actually lend themselves very well to advocacy issues.

I have signed up for one newsletter for one website and have posted a couple of links to articles to my blog. By finding different videos and posting them to my YouTube channel and then posting that link to both my Twitter and Facebook accounts as well as my Google+ account is a good way to advocate for different issues. By sharing some information about the particular issue in blog form, this can give me more of a chance to expand on how important I think that the issue is to the early childhood field. If any of my classmates can offer suggestions as well as other pointers on how to utilize social media as a way to inspire others about early childhood issues, please feel free to share.

3 thoughts on “Using Social Media to Get Connected

  1. Great Post! I believe that social media is a great way to get information out to a large group of people in a short period of time. A lot of people use social media, so I think it would be the ideal place to put something that you are passionate about.

  2. Your post is very informative. I have always wanted to start a blog for my personal life experiences to share with others. So its interesting to see how you use your blog, especially to advocate to others.

  3. Great post. This is the first time I have ever used a blog. Do you feel that more people are using this form of social media? Doyou feel that people use to much social media compared to face to face interaction?

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